Timo Santalainen is the author or co-author of twelve books and multiple chapters of books. Many of his books have become bestsellers. His latest book, written with his colleague Dr. Ram B. Baliga, “Escaping Business as Usual: Rethinking Strategy” was published in 2016. Dr. Santalainen focuses on corporate strategy and strategic thinking.
Sustainable Strategizing: Extending Competitive Advantage to Viability Advantage
A chapter in Wunder, T. (ed.) “Rethinking Strategic Management”, Sustainable Strategizing for Positive Impact”, Springer 2019.
Escaping Business as Usual: Rethinking Strategy
By Ram B. Baliga and Timo Santalainen. International Edition.
As volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity increases, strategic decision makers are realizing that current approaches to crafting strategy are of limited value. This book lays out challenges facing strategists of both profit and not-for profit organizations and presents new approaches to deal with these.
Open strategizing, developing innovative strategies and business models, and learning from outliers are detailed. The benefits of ambidexterity and creating an ambidextrous context are presented along with approaches to dissolving silos which act as major obstacles to maintaining performance and viability. Organizational and strategic leadership issues that enable the continuous regeneration of strategies and business models to ensure viability are also detailed. Numerous illustrations from both developed and developing countries are presented to illustrate how the concepts and frameworks presented are or can be applied to the changing reality.
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Kun normibisnes ei riitä – Kestävä Strategointi
Ram B. Baliga ja Timo Santalainen, Talentum 2015
Pysyviä kilpailuetuja ei enää ole. Sumuisten haasteiden keskellä normibisnes ei riitä, vaan strategiatyön painopiste on siirrettävä mahdollisuuksien tunnistamiseen ja innovatiivisten liiketoimintamallien työstämiseen. Kirja virittää lukijan strategiseen ajatteluun ja toimintaan tempaamalla hänet kummajaisten luo, opastaa kehittämään molempikätistä toimintatapaa sekä näyttää, miten avointa strategointia voi käyttää sisäisten siilojen liuottamiseksi ja ulkoisen verkostovoiman hyödyntämiseksi.
Lukuisat esimerkit niin kehittyneiden kuin kehitysmaidenkin organisaatioista vahvistavat kirjan sanomaa: organisaatioiden elinvoima – jopa elinvoimaetu – syntyy transformaation johtamisen ja henkilökohtaisen strategoinnin voimasta.
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Straginen Ajattelu & Toiminta (Strategic Thinking & Action, only in Finnish)
by Timo Santalainen, Talentum 2009. Latest edition in 2017
Timo Santalainen indicates how strategic thinking in combination with day to day business activities helps organizations perform better, especially in continuously changing shaky environments. The book continues where Strategic Thinking left off. It provides a wide range of paradigms and tools to support them to deepen understanding and to guide readers to identify and test their own organizations´ future success model.
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Strategic Thinking (Also available in Finnish: Strateginen ajattelu)
By Timo Santalainen, 3rd Edition, Talentum, 2008. Pro Oeconomica Award 2006 finalist
Faced with a myriad of challenges, today’s executives have an urgent need to strengthen their strategic capabilities. Responding to this need, Strategic Thinking by Timo Santalainen offers strategic thinking as a new perspective in strategic management. Strategic thinking requires managers to go beyond the standard tools and frameworks that have gained currency.
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